Wednesday, September 27, 2023

2 ~ Itoku Inari Jinja


Japanese Name: 威徳稲荷神社
English Reading: Itoku Inari Jinja
English Translation: Virtue and Authority Inari Shrine
Size: Side Shrine
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 12 (+relief)
First Visit: 13-Feb-2018
Location: Tokyo-Shinjuku
Address: 5 Chome-17-5 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022 

A very characteristic Inari Shrine that is a side shrine of the large Hanazono Jinja (花園神社 "Flower Garden Shrine") in Shinjuku, and my first shrine featuring a large number of elaborate fox statues, including a mother vixen with her kit. The tunnel of red Torii is generally a very certain sign that there will be foxes at a shrine, for I have only been to very, very few shrines that had a Torii tunnel like that but no foxes. The extra Torii are typically founded by private people or companies to express their gratitude to Inari (I've only seen those rows of Torii at Inari Shrines), and the names of the sponsor and date of construction are written on the sides.

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