Saturday, November 11, 2023

30 ~ Kurumishita Inarisha

Japanese Name:  胡桃下稲荷社
English Reading: Kurumishita Inarisha
English Translation: Under the Walnuts Inari Shrine
Size: Side Shrine
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 4
First Visit: 22-Mar-2018
Location: Tokyo-Shinjuku
Address: 2 Chome-11-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to 160-0023

Though daylight fades, my will to visit more fox shrines stays strong. As a result, I come across this little shrine with four foxes watching over it. This one is a Side Shrine of Juniso Kumano Jinja (十二社熊野神社 "Twelve Shrines Bear Field Shrine"), located at one side of the Shinjuku Central Park, which as the name implies is home to a total of eleven smaller side shrines. Next to that is also the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building, which has a free observatory deck on the upper floors, making this particular area a great spot to visit for a wide number of reasons. On clear days, you can even see Mt. Fuji from there.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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