Saturday, April 20, 2024

Snake 2 ~ Shirohebi Daimyoujin


Japanese Name:  蛇白大明神
Romanized Reading: Shirohebi Daimyoujin
English Translation: White Snake Great Radiant Deity
Size: Tiny Side Shrine of Uramori Inari Jinja
Deity: Inari
Snake Count: 7
First Visit: 26-Apr-2018
Location: Tokyo-Ota
Address: 3 Chome-27-8 Ōmoriminami, Ōta-ku, Tōkyō-to 143-0013

Another side shrine of Uramori Inari Jinja, but this one features snakes instead of foxes. Old-time allies in the fight against vermin, snakes are also sometimes seen as guardians in Inari-shrines such as this one. Despite not having "Inari" in its name, the Inari-emblem on the cloth above this shrine still identifies it as such. A total of seven snakes watch over this shrine: One big stone snake curled up in the shape of a hoju-no-tama, two tiny curled-up porcelain snakes, and another two tiny pairs of porcelain snakes curled up around one another with a golden hoju-no-tama in the middle, with one snake of each pair carrying a golden scroll of teachings in its mouth.

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