Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rat 1 ~ Ookuni Jinja


Japanese Name:  大国神社
Romanized Reading: Ookuni Jinja
English Translation: Great Country Shrine
Size: Tiny
Deity: Daikokuten
Rat Count: 1
First Visit: 8-Oct-2018
Location: Dazaifu
4 Chome Saifu, Dazaifu, Fukuoka 818-0117

An unusual shrine that I should find on our "family trip" to Dazaifu, which is located roughly 12km southeast of Fukuoka. I say "family trip" because this consists of me, my host, her son, and and acquaintance and her offspring, and I really feel like I'm part of a family there.

Anyway, this shrine features a rat, and according to the plaque is dedicated to Daikokuten, one of the seven lucky Buddhist gods, specifically the one of craftsmen and miners. As for what's up with the rat, I honestly have no idea. Maybe the plaque tells, but if it does, I'm not skilled enough to make it out.

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