Wednesday, November 27, 2024

270 ~ Okunomiya Inari Jinja (Multi-tailed fox statue)


Japanese Name:  奥之宮稲荷神社
Romanized Reading: Okunomiya Inari Jinja
English Translation: Innermost Shrine Inari Shrine
Size: Medium side shrine of Miyajidake Jinja
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 23
First Visit: 21-Oct-2018
Location: Miyaji
Address: 7-1 Miyaji Motomachi, Fukutsu, Fukuoka 811-3309
: 33.78058, 130.48809

Another shrine that I found on a "family trip" that my host took me on with some of her acquaintances. This one is a side shrine of the big Miyajidake Jinja (宮地嶽神社 "Shrine Grounds Peak Shrine"), which is located in the semi-eponymous Miyaji (宮司 "Shrine Administration") town north of Fukuoka. Two life-sized stone foxes sit watch outside of the shrine, while a bunch of tiny porcelain foxes reside within. There's also a painting of a Byakko, as well as a little statue of a multi-tailed fox within (although it's hard to tell exactly how many tails that one sports, at least five I think, and my guess is gonna be nine).

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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