Monday, March 4, 2024

103 ~ Takozousu Inari Glade Side Shrine 3


Japanese Name:  ?
Romanized Reading: ?
English Translation: ?
Size: Tiny Side Shrine (of Takozousu Inari)
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 4
First Visit: 19-Apr-2018
Location: Tokyo-Bunkyo
Address: 3 Chome-17-12 Koishikawa, Bunkyō-ku, Tōkyō-to 112-0002 

(Disclaimer: Exact location may be inaccurate)

A tiny little fox shrine which I think is located directly to the right of the last one, but I'm not 100% sure since it's already been 6 years and I can't see its relative location on any of my other photos. However, since I know that I got into the habit of taking these pictures in a logical sequence early on, and since I can confirm that the next shrine is a little bit further to the right, I assume that this one is in between those two. Either way, two little pairs of foxes stand watch over this one, the front one is made of stone and is just a bit bigger than the porcelain foxes behind the little Torii, which in turn is only a little taller than a bottle of sake.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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