Friday, February 7, 2025

315 BRONZE ~ Utono Inari Jinja (Omega Death Fox)


Japanese Name:  叩寅稲荷神社
Romanized Reading: Utono Inari Jinja
English Translation: Striking the Hour of the Tiger Inari Shrine
Size: Medium​
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 5
First Visit: 7-Dec-2018
Location: Usuki
Address: Usuki, Oita 875-0041, Japan
: 33.12162,131.80468

Not only the only fox shrine, but the only shrine whatsoever that I should find in Usuki (臼杵 "Mortar Pestle"), en route from the station to the ferry terminal after I had to improvise upon learning that the ferry terminal in Saiki had closed a few months ago. Two life-sized stone foxes sit in front of the shrine, which is located on top of the former castle hill, with scores of red Torii leading up the stairs. Another two small porcelain foxes are next to the altar, but neither of those is why this shrine earned bronze rank.

The reason for this is the little side building, which contains the head of the Omega Death Fox the biggest fox bigger than any other fox EVER™.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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