Japanese Name: 伊豫稲荷神社
Romanized Reading: Iyo Inari Jinja
English Translation: That One Comfortable Inari Shrine
Size: Big
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 4
First Visit: 9-Dec-2018
Location: Inari
Address: 1230 Inari, Iyo, Ehime 799-3121
Coordinates: 33.74002,132.70365This shrine was the reason why I walked from Matsuyama to Inari for about 20km. I knew it was there, but not what would await me here. Along the way, I also passed a huge red Torii towering over the rice fields, which I took as a sign that I was on the right track.
Four life-sized stone foxes watch over this shrine, and it also features several side shrines, two of which with foxes, one of which has so many that this one as its parent shrine qualifies as a Bronze fox shrine.
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