Friday, December 8, 2023

48 ~ Kitsune Tsuka

Japanese Name:  狐塚
English Reading: Kitsune Tsuka
English Translation: Fox Den
Size: Tiny Side Shrine (of Anamori Inari Jinja)
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: Many
First Visit: 1-Apr-2018
Location: Tokyo-Ota
Address: 5 Chome-2-7 Haneda, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0043

Located at the south entrance of Anamori Inari Jinja (so far that it's actually just off the shrine map) this is actually the first fox shrine I come across upon entering, even before reaching the main shrine in all its foxy goodness. And even if it was just this one shrine with that many foxes, it would still be special, for this is the first shrine with so many foxes that I don't think an accurate count makes sense anymore, so I am just gonna refer to the number as "many". It must be several dozen. And if you feel like counting them, good luck, here's a video of the little place: 

(Click here to view the video if the website fails to load it)

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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