Saturday, December 9, 2023

49 ~ Hisshou Inarisha


Japanese Name:  必勝稲荷社
English Reading: Hisshou Inarisha
English Translation: Certain Victory Inari Shrine
Size: Tiny Side Shrine (of Anamori Inari Jinja)
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: Many
First Visit: 1-Apr-2018
Location: Tokyo-Ota
Address: 5 Chome-2-7 Haneda, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0043

Another foxy side shrine of Anamori Inari Jinja. This one is closer to the main shrine, and although it occupies less space than the Kitsune Tsuka, it features just as many foxes - though many of them are the small standard foxes. Incidentally, Anamori Inari is the first place I come across where you can actually buy them. Since there's no religious tax in Japan, shrines finance themselves exclusively via donations, paid services, and the sale of good luck charms. The fox statues are a specific Inari shrine thing. You can either take them home or put them in front of a shrine of your choice as an offering, which is apparently something that happens quite often here.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

Japanese Name :  妙力稲荷 Romanized Reading : Myouryoku Inari English Translation : Exquisite Power Inari Size : Tiny side shrine of Yuutoku Ina...