Wednesday, February 28, 2024

100 ~ Takozousu Inari Border Side Shrine

Japanese Name:  ?
Romanized Reading: ?
English Translation: ?
Size: Tiny Side Shrine (of Takozousu Inari)
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 2
First Visit: 19-Apr-2018
Location: Tokyo-Bunkyo
Address: 3 Chome-17-12 Koishikawa, Bunkyō-ku, Tōkyō-to 112-0002 

This tiniest of all shrines stands at the border between the front yard and the fox glade of Takozousu Inari. From, here, you can see the road of Torii leading into the glade, all the while being watched by a quartet of foxes, two of which are guarding a pair of tiny shrines that are, in fact, the same size or smaller than them. 

These must be the smallest shrines I've ever seen. Roughly the size of bird houses, they don't even have doors that you can open anymore. In fact, one of the has a very birdhouse-like hole, so the only things that denote it as a shrine is the fact that it is made from stone (a rather unusual material for a birdhouse), and also has a little offering bowl in front of it.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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