Monday, February 19, 2024

94 ~ Hikawa Jinja (Side Shrine)


Japanese Name:  ?
Romanized Reading: ?
English Translation
: ?
Size: Tiny Side Shrine (of Hikawa Jinja)
Deity: Inari?
Fox Count: 25
First Visit: 19-Apr-2018
Location: Tokyo-Bunkyo
Address: 2 Chome-10-10 Sengoku, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0011

One of two tiny side shrines of Hikawa Jinja (簸川神社 "Winnowing River Shrine"), neither of which features a name of its own. The many foxes on this one probably mean it's an Inari shrine, but since this shrine doesn't feature an emblem I can't be sure.

Interestingly, Hikawa Jinja features both a front and a back entrance. The front entrance is actually better hidden and contains quite a long stairway that emerges near the corner of the nearby botanical garden. The back entrance, meanwhile, is level and connects directly to a small side street. There isn't even  a Torii there, but a small billboard as well as the telltale roof advertises this as a shrine, which is what drew me in.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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