Tuesday, August 13, 2024

203 BRONZE ~ Shusse Inari Jinja


Japanese Name:  出世稲荷神社
Romanized Reading: Shusse Inari Jinja
English Translation: Success in Life Inari Shrine
Size: Medium
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: Many
First Visit: 3-Sep-2018
Location: Nagahama-Minamigofukuchou
6-37, 6 Minamigofukuchō, Nagahama-shi, Shiga-ken 526-0058

Another Bronze fox shrine featuring literally all the kinds of foxes, except live ones: It has life-sized stone foxes, fox fresco, fox paintings on paper screens, as well as a cabinet of tiny porcelain foxes. On top of that, it's conveniently located just one block away from the Nagahama station, so if you've only got time to visit one shrine, make it this one!

By the way, there's a good reason why there's such a high concentration of fox shrines (and with so many foxes too) in this area, and that is that Nagahama is only around 60km away from Kyoto, which is the heartland of Inari worship. I should not actually get there before December, but when I did, I found SO MANY fox shrines there. But I'll get to that eventually.


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