Saturday, August 31, 2024

215 ~ Suikei Jinja, Kumano Jinja, Inari Jinja


Japanese Name Romanized Reading English Translation Deity
推恵神社 Suikei Jinja
Infer Blessing Shrine
Kumano Jinja
Bear Field Shrine
Inari Jinja
Inari Shrine

Size: Tiny Side Shrine of Jouzan Inari Jinja
Fox Count: Many
First Visit: 11-Sep-2018
Location: Matsue
477 Tonomachi, Matsue-shi, Shimane-ken 690-0887

The fourth and final fox shrine and Jouzan Inari Jinja, and I think also the first fox shrine I encounter that houses multiple deities in a single shrine. This is something seen occasionally in side shrines of larger shrines such as Jouzan Inari Jinja. I can't say anything about the deity associated with Suikei Jinja, but Kumano is a name that you'll find more often in Japanese shrines. These refer to a set of deities from the Kumano area that are associated with health, protection and general guidance.

Anyway, this shrine is directly next to the previous one, and again features many tiny porcelain foxes (around 70 or so), along with a pair of life-sized stone foxes.

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