Wednesday, August 21, 2024

209 ~ Nagahama Inari


Japanese Name:  長浜稲荷
Romanized Reading: Nagahama Inari
English Translation: Long Beach Inari
Size: Tiny
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 2
First Visit: 3-Sep-2018
Location: Nagahama-Kitafunachou
3-24 Kitafunacho, Nagahama, Shiga 526-0057

The final fox shrine I should find in Nagahama, located right outside the station, in Nagahama's Kitafunachou (北船町 "North Ship Town"). Two pristine white life-sized stone foxes watch over this shrine, which incidentally is located in a rooftop garden atop the Ekimachi Terasu Nagahama (えきまちテラス長浜 "Station Town Terrace Nagahama") shopping mall.

Finding a way up there was kinda frustrating, especially since I could see the shrine from the street outside, so here's a plan of how to get there from the road. You don't even have to enter any buildings. Just take the main flight of stairs up, then turn to the left and go up the little metal staircase that makes you question if it's made for public access, and then you're there. My best guess is that the decision to make the rooftop accessible to the public was only made later on, so they added this makeshift staircase so people wouldn't have to go through the inside.



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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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