Saturday, September 14, 2024

226 ~ Nameless Shrine


Japanese Name:  ?
Romanized Reading: ?
English Translation: ?
Size: Tiny side shrine of Inari Jinja
Deity: Inari?
Fox Count: 4
First Visit: 11-Sep-2018
Location: Matsue
1209 Chikuyacho, Matsue, Shimane 690-0023

Another nameless tiny foxy side shrine, but this time of a different shrine. This one is the side shrine of an Inari shrine, which along with the four worn and weathered small and tiny stone foxes in front of it gives reason to assume that this one is an Inari shrine as well.

This should also the final fox shrine that I should visit on today's doomed ride. After that, I should go to the nearby Higashimatsue (東松江 "East Pine Bay") station and return to my home base. However, I should be back before long.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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