Saturday, May 11, 2024

147 ~ Taki-no-O Inari Jinja


Japanese Name:  瀧尾稲荷神社 
Romanized Reading: Taki-no-O Inari Jinja
English Translation: Waterfall's Tail Inari Shrine
Size: Small Side Shrine (of Taki-no-O Jinja)
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 2
First Visit: 9-May-2018
Location: Nikko
Coordinates: 36.765629,139.5915449

Clearly the most remote fox shrine I have found thus far, this one is located up the side of the valley of Inarigawa (稲荷川 "Inari River"), which incidentally is a very common river name in Japan, what with Inari being associated with rice and rice being grown near rivers.

Anyway, this one is a side shrine of Taki-no-O Jinja (瀧尾神社 "Waterfall's Tail Shrine"). Note that the "no" in the shrine's name is not written in the Kanji making up it's name. I have observed that in a number of Shrines all over Japan that sometimes particles are omitted like that. How are you supposed to know how a Shrine is named then? Well, sometimes they have the pronunciation written somewhere (which is how I found out about this in the first place), but apart from that, no clue.

Either way, a pair of life-sized stone foxes watch over this little side shrine next to a trail in the woods.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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