Tuesday, October 10, 2023

12 ~ Goshuku Inari Jinja


Japanese Name: 御宿稲荷神社
English Reading: Goshuku Inari Jinja
English Translation: Honorable Dwelling Inari Shrine
Size: Small
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 3
First Visit: 24-Feb-2018
Location: Tokyo-Chiyoda
Coordinates: 35.6899414,139.766469

The last fox shrine that I should find on this day. By now, I have strayed far enough south that I crossed over into the Chiyoda district of Tokyo. Like the other downtown-shrines before this one, too, is sandwiched on three sides by tall buildings. This one features another fox with a kit, which I am reasonably sure identifies it as a vixen. I take this from other shrines that I should visit later, which should visibly identify the other fox of the pair as a male. Incidentally, up to this point, all the shrines that featured a vixen explicitly identified as such had the vixen on the right side (I switched the sides of the foxes on the compound picture above to make it visually more appealing, with the foxes both facing inwards). However, this should not be the case for all shrines. But just our of curiosity, I'll start keeping track of the vixen-side count from now on. For all shrines up to this one, the vixen side count is now 0:3.

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