Monday, October 16, 2023

17 ~ Ryuumonji Inari Jinja

Japanese Name: 龍門寺稲荷神社
English Reading: Ryuumonji Inari Jinja
English Translation: Dragon Gate Temple Inari Shrine
Size: Side Shrine
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 2
First Visit: 14-Mar-2018
Location: Tokyo-Shinjuku
Coordinates: 35.7025631,139.7361398

A tiny side shrine of a Buddhist temple. Westerners might find it strange to find a Shinto shrine at a Buddhist temple, but here in Japan, this is actually quite normal. Religions are not seen as exclusively over here, and particularly Shintoism and Buddhism, being the two traditional religions of Japan, have long since co-existed and augmented one another. 

Specifically, Shintoism generally deals more with affairs of this world, while Buddhism is more about spiritual affairs and the next world. One good example of this is that weddings are traditionally held at Shinto shrines while funerals are held at Buddhist temples. 

Also, with Shintoism being the older and more traditional of the two religions, many Buddhist temples were founded at the site of Shinto shrines, but instead of replacing the Shinto shrines, the Buddhist temples have kept and maintained them as part of their grounds, which is why many Buddhist temples today feature one or multiple smaller Shinto shrines as part of their grounds.

Finally, take note that once again this Shrine has no official name plaque. In Google it is referred again simply as Inari Jinja, and since we just had one of those I added the name of the temple as a qualifier.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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