Friday, October 27, 2023

22 ~ Fukutoku Inari


Japanese Name:  福徳稲荷
English Reading: Fukutoku Inari
English Translation: Happiness and Prosperity Inari
Size: Side Shrine
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 2
First Visit: 18-Mar-2018
Location: Tokyo-Minato
Address: 2 Chome-13-9 Mita, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 108-0073

The second foxy side shrine of Mita Kasuga Jinja, which I suppose makes that the first Shrine to feature more than one side shrine with foxes. It should not be the last, however. This one has a pair of less common, but still mass-produced fox statues. Those are made of stone and are thus both heavier and more expensive than their porcelain counterparts. The right of the foxes holds a Hoshi-no-Tama (星の玉 "Star Ball"), which is something that foxes are often depicted with. I have no idea what the square symbol is that the left fox is holding, though.

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335 ~ Myouryoku Inari

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