Thursday, October 12, 2023

14 ~ Fushimi Sanpou Inari Jinja


Japanese Name: 伏見三寳稲荷神社
English Reading: Fushimi Sanpou Inari Jinja
English Translation: Prostrated Hopes Three Treasures Inari Shrine
Size: Small
Deity: Inari
Fox Count: 2
First Visit: 2-Mar-2018
Location: Tokyo-Minato
Coordinates: 35.6542572,139.7452799

The sole fox shrine that I should visit on my first stray in March. Like the Toyokawa Inari shrine earlier, this one is a branch shrine of a much, much larger shrine that I should yet visit in many month's time, so you can look forward to seeing quite a few more fox shrines named Fushimi along the way there. Also, in case you were wondering who maintains these shrines, apparently guys like this do. In fact, according to Google, the Shrine looks quite a bit different by now. It still features the two elegant and slender foxes, though.

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